The Tri Town Times: 4/23/18
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- By Antonio Gonzalez
- Posted in the tri town times
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Weekly endurance sports update for the Boise community.
Hi all!
This week I (Antonio Gonzalez- owner at Tri Town) thought I'd try something new and send out a quick email to help keep you in the loop on local events, tri news, products, training, and so forth. The goal is to keep these emails short and sweet. Hope you like it and send me your feedback!
Weekend Race Report-
The racing season is finally underway with the Spring Sprint two weekends past, and the Bengal Tri in Pocatello this last weekend. So many athletes and shop regulars hit PR's it would be too much to list here, but a special shoutout is deserved to Toby Miller and Erin Sandmeyer for taking the Spring Sprint overall Male/Female win, and to Travis Wood and Laura Yost for taking the overall wins in Pocatello.
Events We're Looking Forward To-
- This Thursday evening Paralympic athlete and local legend Willie Stewart will be giving a talk at the BSU Student Rec. Format will be 'inteview format' similar to our talk with Jocelyn McCauley a couple months back. Get to know Willie's amazing story and journey in sport. Please RSVP on the event site.
- USAT Collegiate Nationals is this weekend in Tuscaloosa, Alabam. Cheer on local tri stud and Tri Town employee Travis Wood as he competes in both the draft legal and non drafting events.
- St. George is two weeks out, and Idaho will have a strong showing at the popular 70.3 event. Our resident photographer/media guru Scott Conover and yours truly will be down there transporting bikes and shooting pics, video, etc of the race. Reach out to us if you need help transporting your bike or have a last minute mechanical issue needs addressing.
Training Thoughts and Updates-
- Quinn's Pond temps are now measuring mid-50's, which is cold but manageable enough for us to begin our Monday evening swims on a weekly basis. Meet on the sandy beach at 6pm for a free guided swim workout with our coaching staff. Details on our workout calendar.
- Medial glute and general lateral hip instability is one of the main issues when conducting bike fits and coaching athletes. I came across the insightful work of Ryan Flaherty recently, and really liked his "7 Way Hip" routine for addressing the above weaknesses. You may consider adding it to your routine 2-3x per week as an injury prevention exercise.
Gear that Caught Our Attention-
Power meters changed the game of cycling from the day they hit the market. Since then, primary reason we haven't seen all serious cyclist invest in a power meter has to do with compatibility and price. The latest version of the Garmin Vectors- called the Vector 3s, is the most versatile power meter we've come across for the price. Pedal based power makes the device universal with all bikes, and a single-sided power only option keeps the price point near half as much as some other power meters on the market.
Most Popular Social Post-
Prepping beautiful bikes for race day is just one of the many perks of our job.
Have a great week!
Antonio G
Tri Town
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