Workbench Hygiene

Great athletes excel at creating environments conducive to success. Hard work alone cannot overcome the challenges of poor timing, unfavorable conditions, or disorganized surroundings.



Most athletes recognize that success requires significant effort. They not only expect hard work but embrace it—relishing the daily grind that others might find tedious. The best athletes don’t shy away from the mundane; they lean into it.


However, hard work is only part of the equation. To maximize the return on their efforts, athletes must shape their environment to support their goals. If your surroundings create unnecessary stress, distractions, or time demands, adding something like a race won’t resolve those issues—it will amplify them. Simply piling on more tasks is not the answer.


In our shop, we have a rule: after every tune-up, we ‘reset the bench.’ This means tidying up, organizing tools, and clearing the space before starting the next project. This simple habit prevents mistakes and saves time and energy in the long run. I often remind our mechanics: a messy bench reflects a messy mind. Before tackling the next project, get your "bench hygiene" in order.


Athletes are no different. The most successful ones ensure their personal and professional affairs are in order before embarking on their next big endeavor. By doing so, they set the stage for focused effort and meaningful progress.



Antonio Gonzalez

Tri Town Bicycles


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