The Tri Town Times: 5/25/20

The Tri Town Times: 5/25/20

Katie Hall smashes women's Everesting record; Boise Trails Challenge; Tuesday Ride to begin this week; new Lance Armstrong documentary.

Hi all,
Happy Memorial Day! The shop is closed today in recognition of the holiday. The shop will open tomorrow at 10am.
Here is your weekly TT Times newsletter:
Weekend "Race" Report:
"Everesting" records continue to fall with professional cyclist Katie Hall taking the women's record down by over 2 hours on a climb near Santa Cruz.
Events We're Looking Forward To:

- Next week I'll be announcing a unique triathlon challenge for local athletes. With most races cancelled, postponed, or way out in the future this could be fun and free way to build fitness and stay motivated. Stay posted for more details.

- Did you know Boise has almost 200 miles of mountain biking and running trails? The Boise Trails Challenge gives you one month to conquer every mile of our stunning trail system starting on June 18th.

Training Thoughts and Updates:

- There is no open water swim scheduled at Quinn's Pond today due to the Memorial Day holiday. We will be back at the pond next Monday at 6pm for a free open water swim workout

- Our first Tuesday Threshold Ride of the season got rained out last week, but tomorrow's forecast looks great. I will be leading a 'mellow-paced' tour of the new route leaving the shop at 5:30pm. The fast-paced group leaves at 6pm. All details can be found on our Workout Calendar.

Quote that Struck a Chord:
"The common denominator of success- the secrets of success of every man who has ever been successful- lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do." Albert Gray
If You Have a Moment to Spare:
ESPN recently released a documentary on Lance Armstrong. You may be burned out on films reporting on the rise and fall (and rise again) of Lance, but I would highly recommend the Netflix documentary "Icarus" if you're interested in learning more about the doping culture of the 1990's and early 2000's.
Have a great week!
Antonio Gonzalez
Tri Town


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