The Tri Town Times: 9/16/19
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- By Antonio Gonzalez
- Posted in the tri town times
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YMCA Fall Sprint; Kona viewing party at Tri Town; Norwegian secrets to success; Rudy Von Berg descending skills.
Hi all,
Here is your weekly TT Times newsletter:
Weekend Race Report-
The YMCA Fall Sprint Triathlon was held over Friday (swim) and Saturday (bike/run) under perfect fall conditions. Toby Miller took the men's title and Sarah Barber the women's. Last season Sarah Barber graciously shared with us 5 off-season tips, and now that the local racing season is wrapping up it seems timely to reflect on this wise advice.
Events We're Looking Forward To:
It's relatively quiet before the storm: the Ironman World Championships is Saturday, October 12. Join us at the shop on race day for a Kona Viewing Party.
Shop Ops-
Our annual store sale and Triathlon Swap is Oct 5th and 6th at Tri Town. Have gear to sell? Drop it off between Monday, Sept 30th and Friday, Oct 4th.
Training Thoughts and Updates-
It's rare that an elite coach shares the many secrets of their success. Considering how dominate the Norwegians have been in triathlon the past few years (especially for a country of only 5 million), this podcast is a fascinating and insightful look into the training of some of the best triathletes in the world. A key take away for me: triathlon is an aerobic sport. Be sparing and thoughtful with intensity.
Popular Social Post-
As far as I'm concerned pro triathlete Rudy Von Berg proved he wanted to win the 70.3 World Champs and brought the balls to do it.
Quote that Struck a Chord-
"It's OK to say, 'I don't know.' The pleasure is in finding the thing out." Richard Feynman
Have a great week!
Antonio G
Tri Town
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