The Tri Town Times: 6/6/22
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- By Antonio Gonzalez
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This Week: The progression of athlete "understanding". Sub7 Sub8 Project.
Image: A wet and windy Sawtooth 200.
Hi all,
Here is your weekly Tri Town Times newsletter:
Weekend race report:
- Laura Philipp of Germany won Ironman Europe in a finishing time of 8:18:20. This put her within seven seconds of Chrissie Wellington's Ironman record time set at Challenge Roth in 2011.
- All four contestants in the Pho3nix Sub7/Sub8 finished below their goal times. The non-official event was staged to see just how fast the iron-distance could be covered when contested on flat roads and with the help of pacers on all three legs. Kristian Blummenfelt won the men's race in time of 6:44:25, while Kat Matthews won the women's race in a time of 7:31:54.
Training thoughts and updates:
We are hosting free open water swim workouts at Quinn's Pond on Monday's at 6pm. The first practice is today. Please bring your wetsuit and towels, and we'll start at the sandy beach near Idaho River Sports. Water temps are in the low 60's F.
Quote that struck a chord:
"Your time is limited. Don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs.
There is a progression of understanding athletes must make during their athletic 'careers'.
In the beginning, they often search for a specific technique, coach, or training methodology that will guide them to their goal.
When they find something that works, they cling to it and hold it as gospel. The moment that happens, they stop developing and growing as an athlete.
A mature athlete does not search for "the way", they attempt to create "their way". They understand that the best path for them may require a unique blend of approaches never seen or used before.
The mature athlete develops general guiding principles, but they do not believe in dogma. New ideas are approached with an open mind, but also with a healthy dose of skepticism. When new tech or an approach to training proves itself, they are quick to integrate it into their personal philosophy.
The best approach is to be open-minded to the experience and thinking of others, while always thinking for yourself.
Train smart, and have a great week!
Antonio Gonzalez
Tri Town Bicycles
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