Image: mountain biking in Zion.
This week: Local pro triathlete Danielle Lewis win's 70.3 Indian Wells while Vincent Luis is hit by a car and takes second to Lionel Sanders; Xterra World Championships; HRV and Resting HR study; Felt acquired by KTM; thoughts on "panic training".
Hi all,
Here is your weekly TT Times newsletter:
Weekend race report:
- Local professional triathlete Danielle Lewis wrapped up an excellent 2021 season by winning 70.3 Indian Wells yesterday. Vincent Luis was leading the men's race until being
hit by a car with a few miles to go on the bike. Despite the accident Vincent jumped back on and finished the race in second to Lionel Sanders.
- Jackie Hering won Clash Daytona (priorly known as Challenge Daytona), while Kristian Blummenfelt wrapped up his historic 2021 season by winning the men's race.
- Olympic medalists set the pace at the Xterra World Championships in Maui yesterday. The swim was cancelled due to hazardous ocean conditions, but that did not prevent Tokyo gold medalist Flora Duffy from winning the women's race by almost 7 minutes. Olympic bronze medalist Hayden Wilde held onto a narrow lead off the bike to win by 20 seconds.
Training thoughts and updates:
- Targeting a change in HRV or RHR is largely ineffective and makes little sense.
- HRV is sensitive to acute daily stress, though it cannot discriminate between different stressors like training, sickness, or alcohol intake.
- Adjusting your day-to-day training based on HRV, including considering full rest when HRV is substantially off your baseline, is likely a good approach.
Industry news:
Quote that struck a chord:
Any changes in people's fortune is merely the visible manifestation of all of that deep preparation over time." -
Robert Green
"Panic training" is what I call those last-minute workouts we have all done before a race or event. You know the session: the hastily planned long ride, or the Zone 2 run that somehow becomes a race-pace session on the track. It reminds me of cramming for a test, and just like in school, it rarely works out. The best athletes do not "panic train". They do their prep work well ahead of time. And when the race date approaches, they do not feel a sense of panic. They feel a sense of joy, knowing that they will finally be able to express the preparation and fitness they have patiently spent months and years building.
Now is the time to begin laying the bricks that tomorrow's success will be built upon.
Have a great week!
Antonio Gonzalez
Tri Town Bicycles
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