The Tri Town Times: 12/21/20
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- By Antonio Gonzalez
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Specificity and cross training; rower Jason Osborne wins UCI esports world championships; best place to draft while cycling.
Here is your weekly Tri Town Times newsletter:
Training Thoughts and Updates:
Most athletes have taken their off-season break, and are itching to get back into the routine of training for next season. They built out a training schedule of swim/bike/run workouts and are diligently getting back into the rhythm of regular triathlon training. Likewise, some elite athletes will move to a warm and dry climate to take avoid the winter weather.
But is this strict devotion to swim/bike/run training needed this time of year? The training "principle of specificity" helps answer this question.
Every sport has specific skills and abilities that must be developed if one is to be truly successful. For example: no amount of golf will improve your swimming. But some sports have a brilliant cross training effect for triathlon, and can be embraced this time of year.
A pick up game of water polo can replace your high intensity swim workout for the week. Skate skiing or rowing can replace a bike workout. Classic skiing, snowshoeing, or hiking can supplement a run workout. Be creative and use this opportunity to turn yourself into a more balanced athlete. In many cases the strength, balance, and stamina built in one sport can directly transfer to another, as we saw a couple weeks ago when the UCI esports world cycling championships was won by an Olympic rower.
Most triathletes with at least one season of prior triathlon training will need approximately 4 months of focused training for a half ironman, and 6 months for a full. If your event is further out than this, I recommend you take advantage of the winter season and embrace this opportunity to cross train.
Shop Ops:
We will be closing at 2pm on Christmas Eve, and are closed Christmas Day.
Quote that Struck a Chord:
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." - Jessie Potter.
If You Have a Moment to Spare:
-A nice refresher on the best places to draft while cycling. Note that even the lead cyclist benefits from riding in a pack.
- World Chase Tag: there can't be a better way to get in your high intensity interval day than by chasing your friends (post COVID of course)!
Have a great week!
Antonio Gonzalez
Tri Town Bicycles
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